Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bible Textbook for Public Schools Planned

Quite interesting developments on the place of the Bible in US education (and, tangentially, on its relationship to the Church/State issue). I'm wondering, though, if this is a symptom, essentially, of increased religious tolerance, or if it is, indirectly, a fruit of religious indifference? I've always been impressed by "Enlightened Europe's" willingness to include "religious education" in their curriculum, but I'm wondering now if it is more a product of their lack of interest in religion as something that affects them on a personal level. Does the average European consider the study of religion to be much different than the study of anthropology, psychology, history, and so on?

Check out an article here

And the following quotes are located here

"Public schools have no business using Bible instruction to advance a religious agenda. But when they decline to impart knowledge about such an important subject, they are not doing anything to preserve the separation of church and state. They are merely failing their students."
Chicago Tribune (May 12, 2005)

“How are we to expect our young people to live up to America’s ideals if they are cut off from the stories, beliefs and metaphors that for hundreds of years gave those principles life?”
The Wall Street Journal (Nov. 12, 1999)

“It would be hard for anyone ignorant of the Bible to understand much of the story of civilization. Public schools are obligated to avoid promoting religion, but if they ignore it completely they do a disservice to both their pupils and the Constitution."
The Chicago Tribune (Nov. 28, 1999)

“The Bible & Public Schools: A First Amendment Guide (located in our Curriculum Adoption Kit) recognizes that the Bible has helped shape history, culture, art and literature, and it suggests ways to make teaching about the Bible in public schools acceptable without risking lawsuits.”
The New York Times (Nov. 12, 1999)


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